Saturday, December 19, 2009

We've are all familiar with Dan Brown, the bestselling author of the Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. Dan who once taught English has done it again. He starts his latest book, The Lost Symbol, with, "The secret is how to die."

Just the opening simply peaks ones curiosity. Get Dan's latest book on MGC MInistires Associate page of You are going to love this book!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My cousin, the Savior of the world.

My name is John. Many of you know me as John the Baptist, a name given to me because I baptised many people in the sea. My Cousin was a "Baptist" too. However, He baptised with fire. My Cousin, just like me, was a child given by God. I was conceived by natural parents who were elderly and supposedly too old to have children. My Cousin, on the other hand, was unique. For you see, He was conceived without a natural father. The Holy Spirit was His Father and a virgin (yes, a virgin) was His mother. My Cousin had a gift of Bible knowledge. He knew all of the scriptures by heart. I thought that was amazing, however I did not know that He, Himself had written them.
My Cousin, like myself came into this world with a mission. My mission was to prepare a way for Him. His mission was to bring salvation to a sin cursed world.
He was able to do this because He was God's Son - John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son....
He was Man's brother - Hebrews 1:17-18. He lived a life free from any and all sin. I Peter 2:22 "who did no sin....
My Cousin wasn't on this earth very long, only thirty three years, but He accomplished something that would last forever.
He blessed the world by hanging on a tree suspended between heaven (God) and earth (Man). He freely shed His sinless blood for all men.
He came out of the tomb on the third day and defeated our greatest enemy - DEATH. He now reigns in heaven - Ps. 45:6-7.
Who is my Cousin? He is the Son of God. He died on a cross.
My question to you is, WHO IS MY COUSIN TO YOU? I declare to you who He is. His name is Jesus.
He needs to be your savior. He needs to be your Lord. Let Him rule in your life. Put your daily living under His control.
He will be your judge. If He is your Lord and Savior, He will pardon. If He is not your Lord and Savior, you will be condemned.
I have introduced you to my Cousin. You know who He is.
Now what will you do with Jesus?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

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